Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Root cause problem impacts template

Adapt to your own purposes. A generic model to illustrate a problem, it's root cause and upstream harmful impacts. Each green box is a potential solution - illustrating different ways to think about alleviating the problem, for example:

1. Preventing the problem
2. Removing the root cause
3. Limiting upstream impacts
4. Turning the problem into a solution etc.

The model acts as a template --Replace the names of the boxes with your own situation. Use 'MyCreativity' creativity rules to explore the problem and solution ideas in more depth (left of screen)

Two 'goals' (preferred solutions) are highlighted:
1. Intervention to remove the root cause or if not possible ...
2. Conversion of the problem to a solution (transformation) - providing benefits

The model helps create a focus in any activity where it is necessary to look at solution ideas around problems in a holistic way, to make sure that all options are considered.

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